Saturday, April 29, 2017
Fitzsimons Golf Course is located at 2323 Scranton on the Fitzsimons Campus. Check-in opens at 2:30 on Saturday, April 29th. We will have a table set up just outside the clubhouse. If you have any questions feel free to call me, Karin at 303.739.7891.
WAIVER: I hereby release the City of Aurora, its employees, elected & appointed officials & any other representative of the City from any & all liability for any injury to me or damage to my property which may result from my participation in the activity. This release shall be binding on me & any other persons making claim through me or on my behalf. I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understood & voluntarily agreed to the foregoing waiver & release agreement.
Instructions on chipping, putting and full swing by our PGA Professional! Enjoy a fun afternoon in a relaxed atmosphere.